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Import/Export data

All these data are stored for each pixel so they have the same dimensions as the artwork.

  • rgba, rgba_dry, rgba_wet
    • 4 channels, range: 0..1
    • In the simulation, RGBA data are split to rgba_dry (dry paint) and rgba_wet (wet paint) and combined using the normal blending to the resulting rgba.
  • rgba_canvas
    • 4 channels, only 8-bit/channel formats supported: jpg, png, bmp, tif
    • Only for exporting png or jpg files without export parameters mentioned in the section Export data parameters below.
    • Contains the paper and all layers blended together and shadows and highlights of the bump structure of paint and paper rendered on top.
  • bump, bump_dry, bump_wet
    • 1 channel, range: 0..65535, but usually 0..10000
    • In the simulation, bump data are split to bump_dry and bump_wet and are just summed to the resulting bump.
  • water
    • 1 channel, water: 0..infinity, but usually 0..around 10
    • Amount of water on the pixel.
  • wetness
    • 1 channel, only two possible values: 0 or 1
    • Whether the pixel is dry (0) or wet (1).
  • velocity
    • 2 channels, 0..infinity, but usually 0..1
    • Velocity vector of the paint defining the speed and direction in which the paint flows from a pixel.
  • selection_mask
    • 1 channel, grayscale
    • Only 8-bit/channel formats supported: jpg, png, bmp, tif
    • Same as when you create a selection in Rebelle's UI. This mask is used for CLEAR_LAYER, WET_LAYER, DRY, FAST_DRY and also for the same things as the stencil_mask.
  • stencil_mask
    • 1 channel, grayscale
    • Only 8-bit/channel formats supported: jpg, png, bmp, tif
    • Same as when you create a stencil in Rebelle's UI. This mask is used for painting and fluid simulation.
  • reveal_mask
    • 4 channels, range: 0..1
    • After this image is loaded to Rebelle, all brushes ignore the color set in the json and take colors of the "reveal image" pixels instead. Kind of revealing the image under the brush stroke.

Import data parameters

TYPE : rgba_dry, rgba_wet, bump_dry, bump_wet, water, wetness, velocity, selection_mask, stencil_mask, reveal_mask

  • filename: path from which data are loaded
  • blending: blending function (only for rgba)
    • allowed values:
      • NORMAL
      • ADDITIVE
        • Also known as "Linear dodge"
      • DARKEN
      • LIGHTEN
      • MULTIPLY
      • SCREEN
      • COLOR_BURN
      • OVERLAY
      • HARD_LIGHT
      • SOFT_LIGHT
      • PIN_LIGHT
      • HARD_MIX
      • HUE
      • COLOR
      • MIXBOX
        • Also known as the "Pigment" mode
  • function: function what to do with imported data (for all data except reveal_mask, selection_mask and stencil_mask, rgba can use only replace)
    • allowed values: replace (default), add, subtract, multiply, min, max, average
  • multiplier: [float] factor for multiplying loaded data (for all data except rgba, reveal_mask)
  • scaling: [float] factor for scaling the imported imagewait_for_file_timeout_seconds: [float] seconds to wait for the imported file till it appears on disk. Useful when the imported file is generated in run time based on the output file of the previous animation frame. Default value is 0 (no waiting).
  • options:
    • colorconvert:FROM:TO: apply OIIO color conversion. Applicable only to RGBA input files. Default is FROM=linear, TO=sRGB.

Export data parameters

TYPE : rgba, rgba_dry, rgba_wet, bump, bump_dry, bump_wet, water, wetness, velocity

  • filename : path for save data
  • options: a comma separated list and its valid values depend on the file format.
    • Supported options: tiled_mipmapped, colorconvert:FROM:TO
    • EXR: tiled_mipmapped - using OIIO::maketx with tiling and mipmapping
    • EXR (RGBA), TIFF (RGBA): colorconvert:FROM:TO - apply OIIO color conversion from colorspace FROM to the colorspace TO. Applicable only to RGBA output files. Default is FROM=sRGB, TO=linear.