
Let The Story Continue with New Typography Full-Color Sets

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We are thrilled to introduce unique paper sets, which were ingeniously crafted through the recycling of vintage books. In the words of Lubomir Zabadal, these unique collections feature hot-pressed and rough typography sets, which can hopefully continue the stories written in the past. Discover the intriguing tale that inspired their creation and unlock the creative possibilities they offer for your next digital painting.

"My colleague and I created various mixtures from the damaged book and other papers, which we manually pumped onto sieves and later dried or pressed. We tried to preserve the printed letters contained in the book to varying degrees."

The Story Behind Typography Paper Sets

"A few years ago, a neighbor from our street came to see if I would be interested to look at her home library. She was a very nice old lady, so I agreed. During my visit, it became clear that she was seriously ill and did not have much time left. That's why she wanted to donate her books to her friends and neighbors before they would end up in a trash yard. I was interested in several books from the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. I gratefully accepted her gift without knowing what these books were worth, so I searched online. It turned out that a large number of these books were printed, and therefore their value was rather symbolic.

So I decided to use one of them - an old, damaged dictionary - to make new Rebelle paper, in a new way. My goal was to leave hints of old historical letters in the paper for an attentive artist to find. I wanted the old book to live on in the works of artists, who would give these pages a new life. My colleague and I created various mixtures from the damaged book and other papers, which we manually pumped onto sieves and later dried or pressed. We tried to preserve the printed letters contained in the book to varying degrees.

Papers were created to react interestingly with watercolors, inks, and various dry media. I have a personal relationship with these papers. If my neighbor is watching from above, I am sure she is happy. She was not only fond of great books but also beautiful paintings. Let’s make her proud by using these papers in our painting endeavors." - Lubomir Zabadal, an expert in traditional art media and assistant professor at UKF University, Slovakia.

Hot-Pressed Typography

Discover the historical character of the hot-pressed papers, created by recycling old books. The paper pulp contains fragments of various papers, offering hints of old letters and texts. The set is suitable for working with wet and dry media.

Hot-Pressed Typography paper set contains 3x pressed papers:Watercolor on HP11 Hot-Pressed Typography Paper

Oil on HP12 Hot-Pressed Typography Paper

Pen on HP13 Hot-Pressed Typography Paper

Rough Typography

Experiment with three unpressed, naturally dried cotton papers containing small characters. A moistened ink or watercolor stroke, as well as a pencil drawing or oil painting, will stand out beautifully on these papers.

Rough Typography paper set contains 3x rough papers:Typography Watercolor on R09 Rough Typography Paper

Typography Express Oil on  R10 Rough Typography Paper

Charcoal and Sanguine on R11 Rough Typography Paper

How Are the Papers for Rebelle Created?

The ultra-realistic papers, canvases, and other art surfaces are an absolute gem. When creating these assets, we look for a suitable contrast in texture to capture the characteristics of the fibers, which create a unique structure every time. Papers and canvases are not a simple copy of reality. They are new textured images created with respect to the original pattern and behave realistically like real paper while painting in Rebelle.

Buy new full-color papers for US $14.99 each or get all available full-color sets in a bundle for a special price. Full-color papers and canvases are compatible with version 5.0 and later.

In addition, we are offering more than 30 paper sets compatible with previous Rebelle versions as well (3.0 and later). Every set contains three different papers, canvases, or lithography stones.

It is time to tell your story with the Typography Papers!
Your Escape Motions Team


Papers, canvases, and other art surfaces are exclusive assets for Rebelle software. They were created by Lubomir Zabadal, an expert in traditional art media and assistant professor at UKF University, Slovakia.

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