14.06.2018 02:07

Having discovered, thanks to Jason's video, that I am unable to do what I wanted with the equipment I have, I decided to have another go at flowers using the above approach slightly modified, I think this was a little more successful but they say practice makes perfect.  Obviously I never practice enough :D  .  Background created in Flame Painter

Yellow Flowers (Rebelle and Flame Painter)

16.06.2018 09:00
Neil Fontaine

I like the flower in the first version, but I would use larger brush strokes in the background foliage as right now it looks too detailed. I would block everything in with  a large brush, then reduce brush size for foreground objects. 

17.06.2018 10:30

Hi Neil, thanks for commenting, I am not sure which image you meant, the landscape with flowers or the first bouquet.  The leaf stems on the second bouquet are at full brush size so, they don't get very big, possibly because you (I) then have to wait for them to finish the stroke before you can can carry on with the next one.

18.06.2018 10:32
David K Manuel

Hi Kerioak! That's a handsome portrait and I think your flower experiment yielded great results! I did take  a few minutes and scratched out some lines to suggest what I was talking about on the driftwood log the horse is jumping over. 

Foreshortened Driftwood Log

As you might see, the seaward end of the log is challenging that wave coming in, raising a bit of spray in the process. It provides a logical point of origin for the sea-spray that is already in the air in the painting as well as being just the kind of obstacle a horse might need to leap when they've chosen to frolic on the beach. 

As always there is no right or wrong with this stuff. There is observation, and there are choices, infinite choices! Yaaaaaay!

20.06.2018 04:07

Thanks David,  I am currently considering adding a small dingy but it may be too big in comparison.

20.06.2018 05:38

Two that I have managed to finish today - started over last few days

My first watercolour

Sweet Peas


Red Rose and Bud (Acrylic)

Red Rose After Rain



22.06.2018 10:34

A few watercolour trees, still trying to get to grips with it
Isolated watercolour trees


A new project, I have done a few of these in acrylics so thought I would try it out in Rebelle

Black and White Pebbles

23.06.2018 09:54
Neil Fontaine

The first landscape painting. The grass is very detailed in the distance, which even with eyes or the best camera would not be the case. It would add more depth to just focus on values there. 

23.06.2018 09:41

Maybe I need to work on it more, I think the grass in the distance is intended to be trees and rhodendron bushes along the bank of the lake :)

23.06.2018 10:31

Work in Progress, Day 2