26.12.2018 01:56

+ Histogram

I think it is really important because people [me] can check amount of colors and black-white balance with it. it will be better for workflow, I dont want to switch beteen 2 softwares for just check balance of colors.   


+ Fill

Everyone know that Rebelle has no bigger size brush to fill whole canvas in 1 stroke. I dont want to switch program to fill the background of my art and get back to rebelle again and again.


+ Show Brush Shape [Cursor Type]

I am kind of people who use adcantage of brush angle rotation by using hotkey while painting, I want to see my brush shape/direction in realtime.


 + Thickness [Brush Setting]

I want to controll my brush shape like press a cycle brush shape to get oval brush shape. this will works well wth the cursor which can show brush shape in realtime  


+ Hybrid Engine

I love idea that you guys have added GPU engine. I see that CPU works hard while watercolor painting. I think it will help lots if rebelle have CPU+GPU acceleration. 


+ Stabilization [Brush setting]

 To get stable lineart, rebelle have to delay brush stroke. It will advantage a manga artist/Illustrator.  I would like to have this function. 


All in All , This software is great I love it.