Hello all! I have just started using Rebelle. I've been using Procreate to create digital watercolor paintings, but I have been frustrated with the limitation of realistic effects. I don't have a drawing tablet yet, so I've been conducting experiments with colors, mixing, and effects while I wait to order one.
I did a search of the forums and didn't find very much on the topic of re-creating salted effects in watercolor. Maybe everyone already knows how to do it, but it took me a little while to figure it out! Here are my experiment results - hopefully this is helpful to another n00b.
Spatter brush set to high water, mid to low opacity makes a great salt effect. Can use same color for regular salt. Can use different color for pigment salt. Use Fast Dry hotkey (F) to end spread when salt looks correct.
- Spatter 1, opacity 62 water 85 (same color spatter)
- Spatter 2, opacity 100 water 58 (same color spatter)
- Spatter 2, opacity 100 water 98, (same color spatter)
- Spatter 3, opacity 22 water 90 (same color spatter)
- Spatter 4, opacity 8 water 68(same color spatter)
- Spatter 5, opacity 93 water 97 (different color spatter)
- Spatter 3, opacity 57 water 100 (different color spatter)
- Spatter 3, opacity 89 water 90 (different color spatter)
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many possibilities