15.08.2024 07:33

I was recently browsing through Clip Studio Paint color correction layers and was blown away by "Tone curve" correction layer.  It's gives such a pretty assortment of different shades and color gradients.  I don't think I've seen this specific  name in Photoshop. Probably CSP's own feature? 

Level correction (Photoshop has it as well)  is already good enough for color correcting (which we also need to have in Rebelle btw), but this Tone curve gives such pretty colors!

I wonder if it's possible to implement similar stuff in Rebelle. 

We have Brightness/contrast, Hue, saturation correction layers, but those are just basics. 

Maybe not in 7 version, 'cause it probably takes a lot of hard work to implement, but seeing this in new big release would be amazing. 



18.08.2024 07:11


I noticed that we magically got these color correcting functions  in recent update.

I was browsing through recent updates' descriptions  and couldn't find any detailes  about it. I just discovered them by accident, lol.

Thank you. ????

20.08.2024 01:44
Veronika Escape Motions
Team Member portfolio

Hi RoksanaDiamond,

There are two types of color corrections in Rebelle:

- Filter layers in Layers panel - available since Rebelle 7
- Filters - accessible from the main menu: Filter - available since Rebelle 6

I am not sure which one you are referring to now? :)

21.08.2024 02:36

Veronika, my fault!I never actually noticed these specific functions.  (Layers panel ones) 

Crazy. Thank you for answering!