10.03.2019 04:26

Please make it easier to move, rotate and scale the whole scene at once. Current methods (by selecting all fields for example, and then manipulating) make this too cumbersome for quick tweaks.

Tweaking the Contrast Curve modifiers per colour instead of per scene would also be helpful. It would for example allow for highlighting specific colours that even at peak colour intensity don't show up strong enough in the final result.

Thanks for great software!

11.03.2019 11:16
Veronika Escape Motions
Team Member portfolio

Thanks for your feedback, @lucsigor181!

What better way of manipulating of the scene at once would suit you better?

We will consider implementing the contrast curve per color for the future.


11.03.2019 08:40

One way to implement it could be to click (or touch in my case) once to determine the center of rotation or scaling, and then have the whole scene rotate or scale around that point with mouse/pen movements. Guidelines for aiding vertical or horizontal alignment could perhaps be useful too.

12.03.2019 12:56
Veronika Escape Motions
Team Member portfolio

Thanks, we'll see what we can do about it!

01.07.2019 09:59

Another way to move a scene as a whole is to have a separate camera, of which, you can translate in 3D! This is essentially what Adobe After Effects does. So the camera has it's own 3D space that can rotate and translate around the 2D scene.  So essentially your objects remain in 2D space but an external operator creates a 'world space' around the 2d Vectors, and applies the translation as a whole to any vectors in that space.