29.05.2020 11:12

I have been trying to move part of a layer's content using a selection. So far I have had no luck in doing that.

It always seems to move everything on the layer regardless of what is selected and what is not.

Am I doing something wrong?

I'm getting pretty good workig with the selection tool and all its variations, that is not a problem.

So the question is:   How do I move or scale only one selected portion of a layer's contents?


03.06.2020 02:51
Veronika Escape Motions
Team Member portfolio

Hi Pauljs,

when you create a selection on the layer, either select the "Transform tool" in the Tools panel or hit the "T" shortcut.
The transformation will be applied to the selection - you can scale, move, rotate the selected area now:

Is everything working well?


19.08.2020 03:22

I had the same issue so this is good to know!  :)